December 5, 2024

Editor's Note: Pushing Forward

The editor of Building a More Equitable Future introduces The Bridgespan Group's special collection on racial equity.

By: Cora Daniels
“It is within our differences that we are both most powerful and most vulnerable, and some of the most difficult tasks of our lives are the claiming of differences and learning to use those differences for bridges rather than as barriers between us.”
Audre Lorde, The Selected Works of Audre Lorde

Cora DanielsCora Daniels
Senior Editorial Director
The Bridgespan Group

I wish I could remember the exact moment The Bridgespan Group decided to do this special collection dedicated to racial equity because it would make for a more interesting origin story than to simply share, “This has been in the works for almost a year.” However, I do know why we decided to do a collection of content that includes a variety of editorial formats and media, each speaking to a different audience rather than the usual approach of writing a single article. It is because Bridgespan believes the ambitious work of building an inclusive and more equitable world where everyone can thrive deserves immense attention. That is true always, but especially during challenging times.

Thus, this collection, Building a More Equitable Future: Tools and Inspiration for Philanthropists, Nonprofits, and Others Working Toward Racial Equity, is meant as a sign of Bridgespan’s unwavering commitment to the long-term work that equity requires. We remain dedicated, determined, and undaunted to that assignment. For fellow travelers, consider this collection fuel for the journey ahead.

The variety of content in this collection is an attempt to be inclusive of a range of audiences because issues concerning equity are complex with no single approach or point of view. You will find new research, a Q&A discussion, a quick roundup of past research, materials we share with clients, and a powerful personal essay about the true meaning of diversity, equity, and inclusion from our head of equity. Or take a listen to the accompanying podcast episode for inspiration. Also, for the first time, Bridgespan breaks with our norm to stay in the background and shares our own story of how we are trying to build an inclusive, multiracial organization. (That piece will be added to this special collection in early 2025).

Building a More 
Equitable Future

Visit our collection of tools and inspiration for philanthropists, nonprofits, and others working toward racial equity.

View the Collection

Of course, when it comes to equity, no collection could possibly address everything that those in the sector are grappling with. The range of issues is constantly evolving. Regardless of whether you are a nonprofit leader or philanthropist, and no matter what your organization’s commitment to equity currently looks like, we hope there is something in these pages that helps you and your organization push forward.

After all, as we write in one of the collection’s articles, “The Future of Equitable Philanthropy,” when we only focus on the pushback and not the successes that inspired such pushback, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to continue to grow by building upon the wins.

We invite you to embrace the opportunity.

Cora Daniels
Senior Editorial Director
Bridgespan’s New York office

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