Helping Your Network Members Work More Effectively Together
Your nonprofit network has significant potential for creating more impact and delivering equitable outcomes, but you also operate in a complex environment involving multiple stakeholders, which complicates when and how to make needed changes. Bridgespan helps you address the unique organizational and management challenges facing your network and central office.
“The team at Bridgespan is incredibly strong and talented. They bring to the table a diverse and creative set of skills applicable in the strategic formation of breakthrough organizational transformation. With an exceptional sense of reality, Bridgespan works with all constituent groups to assemble a shared plan that resonates and moves to execution.”
President & CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of America
“Bridgespan has a deep understanding of large, federated networks that is unparalleled in the sector and a unique perspective on moving from aspiration to implementation.”
Kevin Washington
President & CEO, YMCA of the USA