April 13, 2021

Requesting Leadership Accelerator Funding From Your Donors

We’re happy that you’ve chosen Bridgespan’s Leadership Accelerator programs to further your organization’s strategy and leadership goals. If funds are a barrier, please see the steps below to request funding from your donors.

Step 1: Select a program.
Decide which Accelerator program is right for your team, based on your team’s goals and current needs.  Step 2: Identify funders.
Identify a few funders that would be a good fit. Think about funders who have supported similar programs in the past. You might also want to tap into your board members or individual donor networks.
Step 3: Write a letter.
Send an email to your funder explaining the costs and benefits of participating in the program using our templates for funder letters focused on Investing in Future LeadersAchieving Strategic ClarityStrengthening the Executive Team, or Creating an Adaptive Plan.  

Step 4: Share how you’ve benefitted from the program.
Many funders appreciate knowing how their funds had an impact on their grantees. Let them know using these thank you notes for Investing in Future LeadersAchieving Strategic ClarityStrengthening the Executive Team, or Creating an Adaptive Plan.

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