July 11, 2024

Staff Spotlight: Titi Kabi

Titi Kabi joined the Johannesburg office in January 2023 and is currently working on Bridgespan's multi-year Community-Driven Change Initiative.

How did your journey in the social sector begin? 

I studied marketing and started my career in a traditional brand marketing role, which I thoroughly enjoyed. However, my true passion ignited when I got involved in social impact marketing. Although I was working in the for-profit space, I worked on values-aligned brands with strong social missions. The game-changer for me was working at Ben & Jerry's, where I got to work on the brand's social mission and digital activism team, and we partnered with nonprofits to uplift their causes and used the brand to drive social change. This work inspired me to pursue a master’s degree in nonprofit leadership and LGBTQ+ studies, fueling my passion and knowledge for the sector. And the rest, as they say, is history! 

Within the sector, which issues or areas are you particularly passionate about? 

I’m incredibly passionate about LGBTQ+ rights in Africa and around the world. While we’ve made great strides over the years, there’s still so much more to be done, and I want to be part of that change in any way I can. A few years ago, I started an Instagram page dedicated to all things queer; this is my little passion project, where I share knowledge and celebrate the community. Through this platform, I’ve learned so much and grown even more passionate about how LGBTQ+ identities intersect with other aspects like race, nationality, class, and other identities. 

What brought you to Bridgespan?  

After grad school, I knew I wanted to work somewhere with strong equity and impact values that could make use of my strategic background. Bridgespan felt like the perfect fit. Plus, I wanted to move back home to South Africa (I was in the US at the time) and support the continent's social sector. Bridgespan's fantastic work in Africa really got me excited to join the team. 

Is there an exciting project you’re currently working on?  

We’re about to kick off the second year of our Community-Driven Change Initiative, and I couldn't be more excited! In year one, we focused on challenging funders to shift more power and decision-making to the communities they serve. This year, we’re building on that momentum and creating practical tools and frameworks for funders and nonprofit organisations to use as they explore ways to become more community driven 

What do you see in Bridgespan Africa’s future? 

I see us doing work that not only reaches wide but also goes deep. The Community-Driven Change Initiative has the potential to transform how communities across the continent own and lead their projects, as well as change the type of support funders channel to this space. I’m excited to see how this plays out over the years. I also foresee Bridgespan Africa growing and supporting more NGOs across the continent, especially in areas that often don't get as much attention in the sector. 

What do you enjoy the most about working at Bridgespan? 

The people, without a doubt! It’s so inspiring to work with colleagues from whom I can learn and draw inspiration every day. I also appreciate working in an environment where I feel comfortable showing up as my full self. We often underestimate how much being our authentic selves impacts our performance and well-being at work. Being in a space where I can be myself without worry is something I don’t take for granted. 

What do you enjoy doing outside work?

I love staying active, mostly through yoga and running. I'm currently in my running era, training for my first marathon. It's challenging but so rewarding. I’m also a big music fan and enjoy adding cool records from my travels to my growing collection.  

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The Bridgespan Group would like to thank the JPB Foundation for its generous and ongoing support of our knowledge creation and sharing work.