July 11, 2024

Dreaming in Color: Liz Thompson

Episode Notes

In this episode, Nithin Iyengar, Bridgespan partner and head of the San Francisco office, sits down with his longtime friend Liz Thompson, president, co-founder, and CEO of The Cleveland Avenue Foundation for Education Group (The CAFE Group), which supports leaders of color through financial and programmatic aid. The CAFE Group aims to create a pathway from college intern to established leader, leveraging community genius to drive systemic change.

Liz began her nonprofit career in 1993 as the founding executive director of City Year Chicago, influencing the AmeriCorps Program's development. She later expanded the Early Head Start program at Family Star Montessori School in Denver as its Executive Director. Before her nonprofit work, Liz had a successful decade-long career with Ameritech Corporation.

In this conversation, Liz Thompson discusses her journey from growing up in Cabrini Green to becoming a transformative figure in philanthropy. She also explores themes of radical love, leadership, and service.


Episode Transcript

Transcript coming soon

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The Bridgespan Group would like to thank the JPB Foundation for its generous and ongoing support of our knowledge creation and sharing work.