David Dodson

President, MDC

Since joining MDC in 1987, David has directed major projects to increase student success in public schools and community colleges, address regional economic decline, strengthen community philanthropy, and build multiracial leadership across the South and the nation. As president of MDC since 1999, he frequently speaks around the country on the imperative of advancing equity and opportunity for low-wealth and marginalized communities and has advised major philanthropic foundations on strategies to address poverty and reduce social disparities, based on the premise that "society benefits when everyone succeeds."

He is coauthor of numerous MDC publications on issues of regional economic competitiveness, educational attainment, youth and young adult employment, and strategic philanthropy. He is a member of the boards of The Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation, the Public Welfare Foundation, the Center for Law and Social Policy, and Durham Technical Community College. Prior to joining MDC, he served as executive director of the Cummins Foundation and director of corporate responsibility for Cummins, a Fortune 500 manufacturer of diesel power systems based in Columbus, Ind., that is widely recognized for its ethical performance.

David received his bachelor's degree in architecture and urban policy from Yale University, a master's degree in ethics and theology from Yale Divinity School, and a master's degree in public and private management from the Yale School of Organization and Management.